Tuesday, May 4, 2010

King Lear

During Act I of King Lear, the dividing of the King's kingdom did not go directly as he had planned. The greatest share of the kingdom would be given to the daughter that loved him the most. The two oldest daughters, Goneril and Regan responded to his request by tell the King how much they love him. However, Cordelia, the youngest and most realistic daughter, refused to talk. When she does, she says she could not promise her love for him. She also said that if her two older sisters truly loved him, they wouldn't have been married. The King became outraged and claims to disown Cordelia. While the king of France still wants to marry Cordelia, the duke of Burgundy drops out due to the events that occurred. While the daughter that truly loves him is gone, the two older sisters scheme to become completely in power. When Cordelia is gone, the earl of Kent, a nobleman who has served Lear years, disguises himself to receive work back in the kingdom. He was also shunned after sticking up for Cordelia. He is hired with the name: Caius. After Goneril orders Lear to have Lear's servants sent away, he talks of staying with Regan. He believes she will be a true daughter and give him the respect that he deserves.

I believe that King Lear does not believe the true meaning of love. Love does not mean to take over your father's kingdom with greed. Cordelia did not agree with the way her father was dividing the kingdom. She was the only person that handled the situation honestly. One can predict that Regan will also disappoint the King, leaving the kingdom to ruin.

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