Monday, January 11, 2010

My Opinion

Running for Scissors was definitely a memoir that will stick in my head for a while. One main question while I was reading came up quit frequently. It was, How could a mother possibly give away her son like that? I am sure that the worst memories Augusten Burroughs had were censored from his memoir, but his stories included were just enough to give me the chills. The memoir overall was greatly written and I give a lot of credit to the author to share his story with an audience. Although I wasn’t sure which data was true or changed, the story of his childhood was told successfully. His change of life was under duress, but he adapted. He went through his adolescence trying to exonerate the things he possibly did wrong to have his mother send him away. No child ever wants to feel that his parents or parent gave up on them. It is the worst possible feeling for a child to experience. The psychiatrist that usurped him will leave a print on his life forever.

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